Sunday, November 7, 2010


The title says it all.All of us has had a friend, a colleague or someone in our lives who has a problem with everything.That's right, I am talking about the cry baby whiny ass losers who complain about everything, irrespective of whether they know all the facts or whether they have the slightest idea of what they are talking about.My first reaction to such people is to get as far away from them as possible and as quickly as I can. But things don't always go as per the plan.

These buggers are the world's best critics (at least that is what they think) but what they forget is "they are not perfect either". So ,take steps to correct the problem or learn to keep your opinions to yourself. Nobody gives a fuck about what you think!!!!!Stop giving yourself so much importance.

According to them,the grass is always greener on the other side and everyone is involved in a global conspiracy against them.I was surprised they think so highly about themselves. Actually the part that they think sounds far fetched to me than any global conspiracy.They do not like anybody and let's be honest this feeling is mutual,we don't like them either.

These people are usually self-centered, frustrated, sadistic morons who cannot bear to see other people happy. If you are feeling happy, just one look at them and  the ambivalence starts.You try your best to be happy , but....

If they think you are feeling unhappy, then  they will go out of their way to make you feel miserable. And they will also make you realize that your problem is nothing as compared to theirs. I think they would do very well in the marketing industry as making a mountain out of a mole hill is inherently present in them.

I believe they should be beaten within one inch of their lives, then dipped in the sea (adding salt to their wounds) and left out in the sunlight.(this is Taliban's induction program for those of you who didn't know) .

There you go, now you actually have a reason to whine about.

1 comment:

  1. And i am sure you know so many of them personally na? :P...Add a few tags too!
